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时间: 2024-09-19 17:14:09


1. The committee will review the proposal and decide whether to approve it.(委员会将审查这项提案,并决定是否批准。)

2. The board of directors unanimously approved the new budget.(董事会一致批准了新预算。)

3. The city council approved the construction of a new park.(市议会批准了新公园的建设。)

4. The supervisor approved my request for a day off.(主管批准了我请一天假的请求。)

5. Our team leader needs to approve all major decisions.(我们的团队领导需要批准所有重要决定。)

6. The school principal must approve any changes to the curriculum.(学校校长必须批准对课程的任何更改。)

7. The government agency will not approve the project without further documentation.(政府机构不会在没有进一步文件的情况下批准该项目。)

8. The bank approved my loan application.(银行批准了我的贷款申请。)

9. The committee finally approved the new policy after much discussion.(经过长时间的讨论,委员会最终批准了新政策。)

10. The manager needs to approve all expenses before they are reimbursed.(经理需要在费用报销之前批准所有费用。)

11. The city council approved the rezoning of the downtown area for commercial development.(市议会批准了将市中心区域重新划分为商业开发用地。)

12. The board of directors will only approve the merger if it benefits the company.(董事会只会在合并对公司有利时批准。)

13. The department head must approve all new hires before they can start working.(部门负责人必须在新员工开始工作之前批准他们。)

14. The committee decided to approve the proposal with some modifications.(委员会决定批准这项提案,但需做出一些修改。)

15. The city council unanimously approved the new recycling program.(市议会一致批准了新的回收计划。)

16. The board of trustees will meet next week to discuss and approve the annual budget.(董事会将于下周开会讨论并批准年度预算。)

17. The project manager needs to approve all changes to the project timeline.(项目经理需要批准对项目时间表的所有更改。)

18. The committee will not approve any proposals that do not meet the required criteria.(委员会不会批准任何不符合所需标准的提案。)

19. The school board approved the renovation plans for the old building.(学校董事会批准了对旧建筑的翻新计划。)

20. The regulatory agency must approve all new medications before they can be sold to the public.(监管机构必须在新药品可以向公众销售之前批准。)

上一个 【英语】deprive的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】approval的例句




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