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时间: 2024-09-18 22:25:20


1. The distribution of food and supplies to the affected areas is underway.


2. The company is responsible for the distribution of the products to various retailers.


3. The distribution of wealth in the country is heavily skewed towards the top 1%.


4. The distribution of flyers was a crucial part of the marketing campaign.


5. The distribution of power within the organization is not equal.


6. The distribution of resources is essential for the success of the project.


7. The distribution of responsibilities among team members was carefully planned.


8. The distribution of the population in the city is uneven.


9. The distribution of the prizes will take place at the end of the event.


10. The distribution of land among the farmers was a complex process.


11. 这个公司负责将产品分发到全国各地的零售商。

12. 他们正在进行食品和物资对受灾地区的分发。

13. 这个国家的财富分配严重偏向于最富有的1%人群。

14. 传单的分发是营销活动的一个关键部分。

15. 他们正在进行对贫困地区的救援物资分发。

16. 资源的分配对项目的成功至关重要。

17. 团队成员之间责任的分配经过了精心的规划。

18. 这个城市的人口分布是不均匀的。

19. 奖品的分发将在活动结束时进行。

20. 在这个小组内部的权力分配不均等。

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