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时间: 2024-09-18 11:10:23


1. The division of the company into separate entities was a strategic move.


2. There is a division between the two departments, causing communication issues.


3. The division of labor in the project was clearly defined.


4. The division of the property among the heirs was a complicated process.


5. The division in the community over the new policy was evident.


6. The division of the country into different states was a major political decision.


7. The division of the team into smaller groups helped improve productivity.


8. The division of responsibilities among the team members was fair and balanced.


9. The division of the cake into equal slices was a challenge for the party host.


10. The division of opinion on the matter led to a heated debate.


11. The division of the budget between departments was a contentious issue.


12. The division of the city into districts made it easier to manage.


13. The division of tasks among the team members was based on their strengths and skills.


14. The division of power in the government was a topic of much debate.


15. The division of the population into demographic groups was useful for market research.


16. The division of the company's profits among shareholders was determined by the board of directors.


17. The division of resources among the competing projects was a challenge for the management team.


18. The division of the students into groups for the project was done randomly.


19. The division of labor in the household was a topic of discussion for the couple.


20. The division of the country into different regions was based on geographical features.


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