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时间: 2024-09-18 14:15:57


1. The orange on the tree is ripe and ready to be picked. (树上的橙子已经成熟,可以摘了。)

2. She peeled an orange and savored its juicy sweetness. (她剥了一个橙子,品尝着它多汁的甜味。)

3. The sunset painted the sky with shades of orange and pink. (夕阳用橙色和粉色给天空抹上了色彩。)

4. He wore a bright orange shirt that stood out in the crowd. (他穿着一件鲜艳的橙色衬衫,在人群中格外显眼。)

5. The cat played with an orange ball, batting it around the room. (猫咪玩着一个橙色的球,把它拍来拍去地在房间里玩耍。)

6. The orange cat curled up in a sunny spot and took a nap. (橙色的猫蜷缩在阳光明媚的地方,打起了盹儿。)

7. She painted her nails a vibrant shade of orange for the summer. (她为了夏天把指甲涂成了鲜艳的橙色。)

8. The fire burned with a bright orange flame, warming the room. (火焰呈现出明亮的橙色,温暖了房间。)

9. The basketball team wore orange uniforms for their home games. (篮球队在主场比赛时穿着橙色的队服。)

10. The orange tabby cat purred contentedly as it was petted. (橙色虎斑猫被抚摸时发出满足的呜咽声。)

11. The orange juice was freshly squeezed and tasted delicious. (橙汁是新鲜榨的,味道很美味。)

12. The artist used shades of orange to create a warm and inviting painting. (艺术家用橙色调创建了一幅温暖而具有吸引力的画作。)

13. The traffic cones were bright orange and easily visible on the road. (交通锥呈鲜艳的橙色,在道路上很容易被看到。)

14. The orange butterfly fluttered among the flowers in the garden. (橙色的蝴蝶在花园里飞舞穿梭。)

15. The sunset cast an orange glow over the city skyline. (夕阳给城市天际线披上了橙色的光辉。)

16. She used an orange marker to highlight important points in her notes. (她用橙色的记号笔在笔记中标出了重要的地方。)

17. The orange sunset reflected off the calm surface of the lake. (橙色的夕阳倒映在宁静的湖面上。)

18. The Halloween decorations included pumpkins and orange streamers. (万圣节的装饰包括南瓜和橙色的彩带。)

19. The citrus scent of orange filled the air as she peeled the fruit. (她剥橙子时,橙子的柑橘香味弥漫在空气中。)

20. The fire blazed with orange flames, providing warmth on a cold night. (火焰呈现出橙色,给寒冷的夜晚带来温暖。)

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