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时间: 2024-09-20 03:03:51


1. The police are investigating the robbery that took place last night.(警方正在调查昨晚发生的抢劫案。)

2. The police officer arrested the suspect after a high-speed chase.(警察在一场高速追逐后逮捕了嫌疑人。)

3. The police are responsible for maintaining law and order in the city.(警察负责维护城市的法律和秩序。)

4. The police are conducting a search for the missing child.(警方正在搜寻失踪的孩子。)

5. The police officer helped the old lady cross the street.(警察帮助老太太过马路。)

6. The police have asked for the public's assistance in identifying the suspect.(警方要求公众帮助辨认嫌疑人。)

7. The police presence at the event helped to maintain order.(警方在活动现场的存在有助于维持秩序。)

8. The police are trained to handle a variety of emergency situations.(警察接受了处理各种紧急情况的培训。)

9. The police officer issued a ticket to the driver for speeding.(警察向司机开出了一张超速罚单。)

10. The police department is implementing new strategies to combat crime.(警察局正在实施新的策略来打击犯罪。)

11. The police are on high alert following reports of a potential terrorist threat.(警方在接到潜在恐怖主义威胁的报告后处于高度戒备状态。)

12. The police are trained to use appropriate force when necessary.(警察接受了在必要时使用适当武力的训练。)

13. The police officer rescued the cat from the tree.(警察救出了树上的猫。)

14. The police are working with the community to build trust and cooperation.(警方正与社区合作建立信任和合作关系。)

15. The police are patrolling the neighborhood to ensure safety.(警察正在巡逻社区以确保安全。)

16. The police are conducting a traffic stop to check for drunk drivers.(警察正在进行交通检查以查找酒驾司机。)

17. The police officer provided first aid to the injured pedestrian.(警察向受伤的行人提供了急救。)

18. The police are working to reduce crime rates in the area.(警方正在努力降低该地区的犯罪率。)

19. The police are using surveillance cameras to monitor the situation.(警方正在使用监控摄像头监视情况。)

20. The police officer is conducting a thorough investigation into the case.(警察正在对案件进行彻底调查。)

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