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时间: 2024-09-18 10:57:12


1. She was priver to the news before it was officially announced.(她在新闻正式公布之前得知了消息。)

2. The priver information was leaked to the press.(这些机密信息被泄露给了媒体。)

3. As a priver of confidential information, she had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.(作为机密信息的知情者,她必须签署保密协议。)

4. The company privered access to its upcoming product line to a select group of investors.(公司向一小部分投资者提供了对即将推出的产品线的访问权限。)

5. The priver nature of the project required a high level of security clearance.(项目的机密性要求具有高水平的安全许可。)

6. She was priver to the details of the merger well in advance.(她提前得知了并购的细节。)

7. The priver information was only disclosed to top-level executives.(这些机密信息只向高层管理人员透露。)

8. Being priver to sensitive information comes with a great deal of responsibility.(了解敏感信息需要承担很大的责任。)

9. The priver nature of the project meant that only a few employees were aware of its existence.(项目的机密性意味着只有少数员工知道它的存在。)

10. He was priver to the company's financial troubles long before they were made public.(他早在公司的财务困境被公开之前就得知了。)

11. 作为机密信息的知情者,她必须签署保密协议。

12. 这些机密信息只向高层管理人员透露。

13. 项目的机密性意味着只有少数员工知道它的存在。

14. 他早在公司的财务困境被公开之前就得知了。

15. 她在新闻正式公布之前得知了消息。

16. 这些机密信息被泄露给了媒体。

17. 公司向一小部分投资者提供了对即将推出的产品线的访问权限。

18. 了解敏感信息需要承担很大的责任。

19. 项目的机密性要求具有高水平的安全许可。

20. 她提前得知了并购的细节。

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