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时间: 2024-09-19 17:04:57


1. Her beauty was indécelable, as if untouched by time. (她的美丽是不可磨灭的,仿佛不受时间的影响。)

2. The impact of his words was indécelable, leaving a lasting impression on everyone. (他的话语产生了不可磨灭的影响,给每个人留下了深刻的印象。)

3. The mystery surrounding the ancient artifact was indécelable, adding to its allure. (古代文物周围的神秘气息是无法磨灭的,增加了它的吸引力。)

4. The bond between the two friends was indécelable, enduring through all trials and tribulations. (两个朋友之间的纽带是不可磨灭的,经受住了一切考验。)

5. The significance of the historical event was indécelable, shaping the course of the nation. (历史事件的重要性是不可磨灭的,塑造了国家的发展方向。)

6. The love they shared was indécelable, transcending all obstacles. (他们之间的爱情是不可磨灭的,超越了一切障碍。)

7. The impact of the natural disaster was indécelable, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. (自然灾害的影响是不可磨灭的,留下了一片破坏。)

8. The memory of her laughter was indécelable, bringing a smile to his face even in the darkest times. (她的笑声的记忆是不可磨灭的,即使在最黑暗的时刻也能让他微笑。)

9. The legacy of the great leader was indécelable, inspiring future generations. (伟大领袖的遗产是不可磨灭的,激励着后代。)

10. The impact of the art installation was indécelable, sparking conversations and contemplation. (艺术装置的影响是不可磨灭的,引发了许多对话和思考。)

11. His courage was indécelable, standing as a beacon of hope for others. (他的勇气是不可磨灭的,成为了他人的希望之光。)

12. The bond between the mother and child was indécelable, unbreakable by any force. (母子之间的纽带是不可磨灭的,任何力量都无法打破。)

13. The impact of the invention was indécelable, revolutionizing the industry. (这项发明的影响是不可磨灭的,彻底改变了这个行业。)

14. The memory of their friendship was indécelable, cherished throughout the years. (他们友谊的记忆是不可磨灭的,年复一年地珍藏着。)

15. The impact of the pandemic was indécelable, reshaping the way society operates. (疫情的影响是不可磨灭的,重塑了社会运行的方式。)

16. The bond between the mentor and student was indécelable, guiding the student through life's challenges. (导师和学生之间的纽带是不可磨灭的,指引着学生度过人生的挑战。)

17. The impact of the novel was indécelable, leaving a profound impression on its readers. (这部小说的影响是不可磨灭的,给读者留下了深刻的印象。)

18. The significance of the discovery was indécelable, altering the course of scientific understanding. (这一发现的重要性是不可磨灭的,改变了科学理解的方向。)

19. The impact of the performance was indécelable, leaving the audience in awe. (演出的影响是不可磨灭的,让观众惊叹不已。)

20. The bond between the siblings was indécelable, unbreakable by any conflict. (兄弟姐妹之间的纽带是不可磨灭的,任何冲突都无法打破。)

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