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时间: 2024-09-20 02:51:20


1. The windshield began to givrer as the temperature dropped below freezing. (挂霜)

2. The cold beer can givrer in your hand on a hot summer day. (结露)

3. The windows of the car started to givrer as the outside temperature plummeted. (结霜)

4. The metal railing givre in the winter mornings. (结霜)

5. The grass and leaves givrer during the early frost. (打霜)

1. 风挡玻璃开始结霜,因为温度低于冰点。

2. 在炎热的夏日,手中的冷啤酒罐会结露。

3. 汽车窗户开始在室外温度暴跌时结霜。

4. 金属栏杆在冬天的早晨结霜。

5. 草地和树叶在早霜时会结霜。

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