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时间: 2024-09-20 23:56:11


1. The bouchon was firmly stuck in the bottle, making it difficult to open.(这个软木塞紧紧地卡在瓶子里,很难打开。)

2. The sommelier carefully removed the bouchon from the wine bottle.(侍酒师小心地从酒瓶上取下了软木塞。)

3. The bouchon provided a tight seal for the bottle, keeping the contents fresh.(软木塞为瓶子提供了紧密的密封,保持了内容物的新鲜。)

4. The bouchon popped out with a satisfying "pop" as the bottle was opened.(当瓶子被打开时,软木塞发出了令人满意的“噗”的声音。)

5. The bouchon was stained with the red wine it had been sealing.(软木塞上沾满了它所封存的红酒。)

6. The bouchon was difficult to remove from the bottle neck.(软木塞很难从瓶口中取出。)

7. The bouchon had a pleasant, woody aroma.(软木塞有一种愉悦的木质香气。)

8. The bouchon was carefully inspected for any signs of mold or damage.(软木塞被仔细检查,看有没有发霉或损坏的迹象。)

9. The bouchon was pushed back into the bottle to reseal it.(软木塞被重新推回瓶子里重新密封。)

10. The bouchon was made of high-quality cork, ensuring a good seal.(软木塞是用高质量的软木制成的,确保了良好的密封。)

11. The bouchon was decorated with a decorative pattern on top.(软木塞上有一个装饰图案。)

12. The bouchon was carefully twisted out of the bottle with a corkscrew.(软木塞被小心地用螺丝刀拧出瓶子。)

13. The bouchon was coated in wax to provide an extra layer of protection.(软木塞被涂上了蜡,提供了额外的保护层。)

14. The bouchon was pushed in firmly to ensure a tight seal.(软木塞被牢牢地推入,确保了紧密的密封。)

15. The bouchon was difficult to remove, requiring a bit of force.(软木塞很难取出,需要一些力气。)

16. The bouchon was carefully reinserted into the bottle after pouring a glass of wine.(倒了一杯酒后,软木塞被小心地重新插入瓶子。)

17. The bouchon was adorned with a decorative ribbon for a festive touch.(软木塞上系着一根装饰性的丝带,增添了节日气氛。)

18. The bouchon was removed with a satisfying "pop" as the bottle was opened.(当瓶子被打开时,软木塞发出了令人满意的“噗”的声音。)

19. The bouchon was carefully inspected for any signs of damage or contamination.(软木塞被仔细检查,看有没有损坏或污染的迹象。)

20. The bouchon was pushed back into the bottle to keep the wine fresh.(软木塞被推回瓶子里,保持葡萄酒的新鲜。)


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