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时间: 2024-09-21 02:07:05


1. I love to windsurf on the open ocean, feeling the wind in my hair and the spray of the waves.


2. The windsurf competition was postponed due to the lack of strong winds on the lake.


3. She learned how to windsurf during her vacation in Hawaii and fell in love with the sport.


4. The windsurf board glided gracefully across the water, propelled by the force of the wind.


5. I bought a new windsurf sail to replace the old one that was torn in a storm.


6. He has been practicing windsurfing for years and has become very skilled at maneuvering the board.


7. The windsurf instructor taught us how to properly position ourselves on the board to catch the wind.


8. We spent the afternoon windsurfing at the beach, enjoying the thrill of riding the waves.


9. The windsurf rental shop offers lessons for beginners who want to learn the basics of the sport.


10. The windsurfing equipment includes a board, a mast, and a sail designed to harness the power of the wind.


11. She struggled to control the windsurf in the strong gusts, but eventually managed to stay upright.


12. The windsurfing competition attracted participants from around the world, showcasing their skills on the water.


13. He fell off the windsurf board several times before finally getting the hang of it.


14. The windsurfing school provides all the necessary gear for students to learn and practice with.


15. The windsurf sailed smoothly across the lake, leaving a wake of ripples behind it.


16. He plans to spend his vacation learning how to windsurf in the warm waters of the Caribbean.


17. The windsurfing championship will take place next month, drawing top athletes from all over the world.


18. She rented a windsurf for the day and had a fantastic time gliding over the waves.


19. The windsurf enthusiast eagerly anticipated the arrival of the windy season to hit the water once again.


20. With practice, he became more confident and skilled at windsurfing, able to navigate the board with ease.


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