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时间: 2024-09-19 16:44:18


1. She wore a beautiful diamond bague on her finger. (她戴着一枚美丽的钻石戒指。)

2. The antique bague was passed down through generations in the family. (这枚古董戒指在家族中代代相传。)

3. He presented her with a bague as a token of his love. (他送给她一枚戒指作为爱的象征。)

4. The bague sparkled in the sunlight, catching everyone's attention. (戒指在阳光下闪闪发光,吸引了所有人的注意。)

5. She lost her bague while traveling, and was devastated. (她在旅行时丢失了戒指,心情非常沮丧。)

6. The bague was custom-made to fit her perfectly. (这枚戒指是定制的,非常贴合她的手指。)

7. The bague was engraved with a special message. (戒指上刻有特别的信息。)

8. The bague was too big for her finger, so she had to get it resized. (这枚戒指对她的手指来说太大了,所以她不得不重新调整大小。)

9. The bague had a unique design, unlike anything I had seen before. (这枚戒指有着独特的设计,不同于我以前见过的任何戒指。)

10. She treasured the bague as a memento of her late grandmother. (她珍视这枚戒指,作为她已故祖母的纪念品。)

11. The bague was stolen, and she reported it to the police. (戒指被盗了,她向警方报案了。)

12. He got down on one knee and presented the bague as he proposed. (他单膝跪地,提出了求婚,并送上了戒指。)

13. The bague had a simple, elegant design that suited her style perfectly. (这枚戒指有着简单、优雅的设计,非常适合她的风格。)

14. The bague was a family heirloom, passed down for generations. (这枚戒指是家族传家宝,代代相传。)

15. She admired the bague in the jewelry store window. (她在珠宝店橱窗前欣赏着那枚戒指。)

16. The bague was a symbol of their eternal love for each other. (这枚戒指是他们彼此永恒爱情的象征。)

17. The bague was made of platinum and adorned with sapphires. (这枚戒指是铂金制成的,镶嵌着蓝宝石。)

18. She accidentally dropped the bague down the drain and had to call a plumber to retrieve it. (她不小心把戒指掉进了下水道,不得不叫水管工把它取回来。)

19. The bague had been in the family for centuries, with a rich history behind it. (这枚戒指在家族中已经有几个世纪的历史,背后有着丰富的故事。)

20. He saved up for months to buy the perfect bague for his girlfriend. (他攒了几个月的钱,为女朋友买了一枚完美的戒指。)

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