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时间: 2024-09-19 16:44:45


1. The dress was adorned with intricate falbalas, adding a touch of elegance to the design. (这件连衣裙上镶嵌着复杂的falbalas,为设计增添了一丝优雅的风采。)

2. She added falbalas to the curtains to give them a more lavish appearance. (她在窗帘上加了falbalas,使其更加华丽。)

3. The costume was adorned with colorful falbalas, making it stand out on stage. (这套戏服上点缀着五颜六色的falbalas,使其在舞台上脱颖而出。)

4. The old-fashioned gown was decorated with delicate falbalas, giving it a vintage charm. (这件老式长袍上装饰着精致的falbalas,赋予它一种复古魅力。)

5. The designer incorporated falbalas into the hem of the skirt, creating a playful and whimsical look. (设计师在裙摆上加入了falbalas,打造出了一个俏皮而奇幻的造型。)

6. The falbalas on the sleeves added a romantic flair to the blouse. (袖口上的falbalas为衬衣增添了一丝浪漫的气息。)

7. Her wedding gown was adorned with intricate lace falbalas, giving it a timeless and elegant appeal. (她的婚纱上点缀着精致的蕾丝falbalas,赋予了它一种永恒而优雅的魅力。)

8. The costume designer used falbalas to create a sense of opulence for the royal garments in the play. (服装设计师使用falbalas为戏剧中的皇家服饰营造了一种奢华感。)

9. The vintage dress was adorned with layers of falbalas, giving it a dramatic and extravagant look. (这件复古连衣裙上点缀着层层falbalas,使其显得戏剧化而奢华。)

10. The falbalas on the ball gown added a touch of whimsy to the overall look. (舞会礼服上的falbalas为整体造型增添了一丝奇趣。)

11. The elaborate falbalas on the curtains enhanced the grandeur of the room. (窗帘上精致的falbalas增强了房间的宏伟气势。)

12. The dress was embellished with delicate falbalas, creating a sense of femininity and grace. (这件连衣裙上点缀着精致的falbalas,营造出一种女性美和优雅。)

13. The designer used falbalas to add a sense of playfulness to the otherwise simple design. (设计师使用falbalas为原本简单的设计增添了一丝俏皮感。)

14. The falbalas on the tablecloth added a touch of elegance to the dining table. (桌布上的falbalas为餐桌增添了一丝优雅。)

15. The costume was adorned with cascading falbalas, creating a sense of movement and fluidity. (这套戏服上点缀着连绵不断的falbalas,营造出一种流动感和流畅感。)

16. She sewed intricate falbalas onto the hem of the skirt, adding a touch of sophistication to the outfit. (她在裙摆上缝制了复杂的falbalas,使这套服装增添了一丝精致感。)

17. The falbalas on the pillowcases added a touch of luxury to the bedroom decor. (枕套上的falbalas为卧室装饰增添了一丝奢华感。)

18. The costume designer used falbalas to create a sense of opulence for the royal garments in the play. (服装设计师使用falbalas为戏剧中的皇家服饰营造了一种奢华感。)

19. The elaborate falbalas on the curtains added a touch of grandeur to the room. (窗帘上精致的falbalas为房间增添了一丝宏伟感。)

20. The falbalas on the dress added a touch of whimsy and charm. (连衣裙上的falbalas增添了一丝俏皮和魅力。)

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