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时间: 2024-09-19 20:29:41


1. The soft cushion provided extra comfort while sitting on the hard wooden chair. (软垫给坐在硬木椅上的人提供了额外的舒适感)

2. She threw a cushion at him playfully. (她玩笑地向他扔了一个靠垫)

3. The cushion on the couch was a vibrant shade of red. (沙发上的坐垫是鲜艳的红色)

4. He used the cushion to prop up his injured leg. (他用坐垫撑起受伤的腿)

5. The cushion absorbed the impact of the fall, preventing any injuries. (坐垫吸收了跌倒的冲击力,防止了任何伤害)

6. The cushion was embroidered with intricate patterns. (坐垫上绣着复杂的图案)

7. She placed a cushion behind her back for extra support. (她在背后放了一个靠垫以获得额外的支撑)

8. The cushion had a pleasant floral scent. (坐垫上有一种令人愉悦的花香)

9. He fluffed up the cushion before sitting down. (他在坐下之前把坐垫拍松)

10. The cushion provided a soft landing for the cat as it jumped off the table. (坐垫为猫从桌子上跳下提供了一个柔软的着陆点)

11. The cushion was stained with coffee spills. (坐垫上沾满了咖啡渍)

12. She leaned against the cushion, feeling the plush fabric against her back. (她靠在坐垫上,感受到柔软的织物贴在背上)

13. The cushion was filled with feathers, making it incredibly comfortable to sit on. (坐垫里填充着羽毛,坐上去非常舒适)

14. He used the cushion as a makeshift pillow while camping. (他在露营时用坐垫当临时枕头)

15. The cushion had a cooling gel layer, perfect for hot summer days. (坐垫上有一层冷却凝胶,非常适合炎热的夏天)

16. The cushion had a memory foam filling, molding to the shape of the body for personalized comfort. (坐垫里填充了记忆棉,根据身体的形状塑造出个性化的舒适感)

17. She used the cushion to shield herself from the cold wind. (她用坐垫挡住寒风)

18. The cushion had a zippered cover, making it easy to remove and clean. (坐垫有一个拉链封套,方便拆卸和清洗)

19. The cushion had a nonslip bottom, preventing it from sliding off the chair. (坐垫底部有防滑设计,防止它从椅子上滑落)

20. He folded the cushion in half to use it as a knee pad while gardening. (他把坐垫对折,当作园艺时的护膝垫使用)

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