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时间: 2024-09-18 19:07:22


1. The old painting showed signs of craquelage, with fine lines crisscrossing the surface.

这幅老画显示出了 craquelage 的迹象,表面上交错着细微的裂纹。

2. Restorers carefully addressed the craquelage on the ancient vase to prevent further damage.

修复工人们小心翼翼地处理古代花瓶上的 craquelage,以防止进一步损坏。

3. The craquelage on the antique furniture gave it a sense of history and character.

古董家具上的 craquelage 使其具有历史感和特色。

4. The conservator used a special technique to minimize the craquelage on the delicate parchment.

保护员使用特殊技术来减少脆弱羊皮纸上的 craquelage。

5. The artist intentionally created craquelage on the surface of the sculpture to add texture and visual interest.

艺术家故意在雕塑表面制造 craquelage,以增加质感和视觉趣味。

6. The restoration process involved filling in the craquelage with a matching material to restore the artwork's original appearance.

修复过程包括用匹配的材料填补 craquelage,以恢复艺术品的原始外观。

7. The conservator studied the craquelage patterns to determine the age and condition of the painting.

保护员研究 craquelage 的图案来确定绘画的年代和状态。

8. The craquelage on the ceramic glaze created a unique and beautiful effect.

陶瓷釉上的 craquelage 创造了独特而美丽的效果。

9. Over time, the craquelage on the historic documents became more pronounced, requiring careful preservation efforts.

随着时间的推移,历史文献上的 craquelage 变得更加明显,需要谨慎的保护工作。

10. The conservator used a magnifying glass to closely examine the craquelage on the painting's surface.

保护员使用放大镜仔细检查绘画表面的 craquelage。

11. Craquelage can develop on oil paintings as a result of aging and environmental factors.

craquelage 可能会因老化和环境因素而出现在油画上。

12. The craquelage on the statue gave it a weathered and ancient appearance.

雕像上的 craquelage 使其具有风化和古老的外观。

13. The conservator carefully cleaned the craquelage without causing any further damage to the delicate artwork.

保护员小心翼翼地清洁 craquelage,而不会对精细的艺术品造成进一步损害。

14. The fine craquelage on the vase added to its charm and allure.

花瓶上的细微 craquelage 增添了它的魅力和诱惑力。

15. The craquelage on the antique mirror hinted at its long history and use.

古董镜子上的 craquelage 暗示了它漫长的历史和使用。

16. The conservator carefully stabilized the craquelage to prevent further deterioration.

保护员小心翼翼地稳定了 craquelage,以防止进一步恶化。

17. The craquelage on the pottery was a result of the firing process and added to its rustic appeal.

陶器上的 craquelage 是烧制过程的结果,增添了它的乡村吸引力。

18. The conservator used a specialized adhesive to repair the craquelage on the ancient manuscript.

保护员使用专门的粘合剂来修复古代手稿上的 craquelage。

19. The craquelage on the painting was carefully documented as part of its condition report.

绘画上的 craquelage 被仔细记录在其状况报告中。

20. The craquelage added a sense of depth and complexity to the artwork's surface.

craquelage 为艺术品的表面增添了一种深度和复杂性。

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