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时间: 2024-09-18 19:01:26


1. The doctor prescribed a tranquilliser to help the patient relax before the surgery. (医生开了一种镇静剂帮助病人在手术前放松。)

2. After a stressful day, she took a tranquilliser to calm her nerves. (经过一天的紧张,她服用了一种镇定剂来平复自己的情绪。)

3. The tranquilliser helped the anxious individual to sleep peacefully. (镇定剂帮助焦虑的人安心入睡。)

4. The tranquilliser had a calming effect on the agitated dog. (镇静剂对兴奋的狗有镇定作用。)

5. The tranquilliser made the patient feel drowsy and relaxed. (镇静剂让病人感到昏昏欲睡和放松。)

6. She relied on tranquillisers to cope with her anxiety. (她依赖镇定剂来应对焦虑。)

7. The tranquilliser helped to alleviate the symptoms of panic attacks. (镇静剂有助于缓解恐慌发作的症状。)

8. The tranquilliser had a sedative effect, causing the patient to feel drowsy. (镇静剂有镇静作用,让病人感到昏昏欲睡。)

9. The tranquilliser provided temporary relief from the patient's agitation. (镇静剂暂时缓解了病人的焦虑情绪。)

10. He used a tranquilliser to calm his nerves before giving a public speech. (他在进行公开演讲前服用了一种镇定剂来平复自己的情绪。)

11. The tranquilliser helped the patient to manage their anxiety during the flight. (镇静剂帮助病人在飞行中管理焦虑。)

12. The tranquilliser had a soothing effect on the patient's nervous system. (镇静剂对病人的神经系统有舒缓作用。)

13. The tranquilliser was administered to the agitated individual to help them relax. (镇定剂被用来给焦虑的人服用,帮助他们放松。)

14. She took a tranquilliser to help her sleep through the noisy construction outside. (她服用了一种镇定剂帮助她在外面嘈杂的施工声中入睡。)

15. The tranquilliser helped the patient to remain calm during the MRI scan. (镇静剂帮助病人在核磁共振扫描中保持镇定。)

16. The tranquilliser had a mild sedative effect, helping the patient to relax. (镇静剂有轻微的镇静作用,帮助病人放松。)

17. The tranquilliser was used to manage the patient's anxiety before the dental procedure. (在牙科手术前,使用了镇定剂来管理病人的焦虑。)

18. The tranquilliser was effective in reducing the patient's restlessness. (镇静剂有效地减轻了病人的不安。)

19. He took a tranquilliser to help him cope with the stress of a job interview. (他服用了一种镇定剂来帮助他应对工作面试的压力。)

20. The tranquilliser provided relief for the patient's panic symptoms. (镇静剂缓解了病人的恐慌症状。)

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