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时间: 2024-09-18 11:32:13


1. The bileux expression on her face made it clear that she was not pleased with the situation. 中文:她脸上的愠色表情清楚地显示出她对这种情况并不满意。

2. His bileux remarks left a sour taste in everyone's mouth. 中文:他的刻薄言辞让大家感到不快。

3. The bileux atmosphere in the room made it uncomfortable for everyone present. 中文:房间里的刻薄气氛让在场的每个人感到不舒服。

4. She couldn't hide her bileux feelings towards her colleague, despite trying to maintain a professional demeanor. 中文:尽管试图保持职业风度,她还是无法掩饰对同事的刻薄情绪。

5. His bileux sense of humor often rubbed people the wrong way. 中文:他那种刻薄的幽默感常常让人反感。

6. The bileux tone of his voice betrayed his true feelings. 中文:他说话的刻薄语气暴露了他真实的感受。

7. She couldn't help but respond with equal bileux when confronted with his rude behavior. 中文:面对他的粗鲁行为,她不禁以同样的刻薄态度做出回应。

8. His bileux nature made it difficult for him to maintain close relationships. 中文:他的刻薄本性让他难以保持亲密关系。

9. The bileux comments from the audience dampened the speaker's enthusiasm. 中文:观众的刻薄评论让演讲者的热情受挫。

10. The bileux exchange between the two colleagues was uncomfortable for those around them. 中文:两位同事之间的刻薄交流让周围的人感到不适。

11. His bileux attitude towards constructive criticism hindered his personal growth. 中文:他对建设性批评的刻薄态度阻碍了他的个人成长。

12. The bileux nature of the competition brought out the worst in the participants. 中文:竞争的刻薄本质让参与者展现出最糟糕的一面。

13. Her bileux behavior towards her subordinates created a toxic work environment. 中文:她对下属的刻薄行为造成了一种有害的工作环境。

14. The bileux exchange of insults between the two rivals escalated the tension in the room. 中文:两个对手之间刻薄的互相辱骂加剧了房间里的紧张气氛。

15. His bileux nature often caused misunderstandings with others. 中文:他的刻薄本性常常导致与他人的误解。

16. The bileux nature of the gossip in the office created a sense of distrust among colleagues. 中文:办公室里刻薄的流言蜚语造成了同事之间的不信任感。

17. Her bileux sense of superiority alienated her from her peers. 中文:她那种刻薄的优越感让她和同龄人疏远了。

18. The bileux comments from the critics left the artist feeling disheartened. 中文:评论家的刻薄评论让艺术家感到沮丧。

19. His bileux personality made it difficult for him to form meaningful connections with others. 中文:他的刻薄个性让他难以和他人建立有意义的联系。

20. The bileux nature of the conversation cast a shadow over the otherwise pleasant evening. 中文:对话的刻薄本质给原本愉快的夜晚蒙上了阴影。

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