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时间: 2024-09-19 19:32:58


1. She always maintains an impeccabie appearance at work.


2. The hotel staff provided impeccabie service throughout our stay.


3. His impeccable manners made a lasting impression on everyone he met.


4. The chef's culinary skills are impeccable; every dish is a masterpiece.


5. The company has an impeccable reputation for quality and reliability.


6. Her impeccable attention to detail ensures that nothing is overlooked.


7. The interior design of the house is impeccabie, with every detail carefully considered.


8. His impeccable record as a student earned him a scholarship to the university.


9. The team's performance was impeccable, resulting in a well-deserved victory.


10. The singer delivered an impeccabie performance, captivating the audience with her voice.


11. His impeccable timing allowed him to make the winning move in the game.


12. The company's commitment to impeccable customer service sets it apart from its competitors.


13. The artist's attention to detail is impeccable, resulting in stunning works of art.


14. Her impeccable memory allows her to recall even the smallest details from the past.


15. The team's impeccable teamwork led to a successful project completion.


16. The hotel's impeccable cleanliness and hygiene standards ensure a comfortable stay for guests.


17. Her impeccable taste in fashion is evident in her choice of clothing.


18. The lawyer's impeccable arguments won the case in court.


19. The company's impeccable safety record is a testament to its commitment to its employees.


20. The chef's impeccable presentation of the dishes added to the overall dining experience.


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