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时间: 2024-09-18 11:44:07


1. I need a suppôt to help me through this difficult time. (我需要一个支持者来帮助我度过这个困难时期。)

2. She has been a great suppôt to me in my career. (她在我的职业生涯中一直是我的大力支持者。)

3. The team provided strong suppôt for their injured teammate. (团队对受伤的队友提供了坚定的支持。)

4. The company offers suppôt for employees dealing with mental health issues. (公司为处理心理健康问题的员工提供支持。)

5. He found suppôt in his friends when he was going through a tough breakup. (在经历一次艰难的分手时,他在朋友中找到了支持。)

6. The suppôt from the community helped the family rebuild after the fire. (社区的支持帮助这个家庭在火灾后重建。)

7. The suppôt of the fans gave the team motivation to win the championship. (球迷的支持给予了球队夺冠的动力。)

8. She sought suppôt from a therapist to work through her anxiety. (她寻求了心理治疗师的支持来克服她的焦虑。)

9. The suppôt of her parents was crucial in her academic success. (父母的支持对她的学业成功至关重要。)

10. The suppôt of the government was instrumental in the recovery efforts after the natural disaster. (政府的支持对自然灾害后的恢复工作起到了关键作用。)

11. The suppôt of her colleagues gave her the confidence to pursue a promotion. (同事们的支持给了她追求晋升的信心。)

12. The suppôt of a mentor can be invaluable in career development. (导师的支持在职业发展中是非常宝贵的。)

13. The suppôt of volunteers is essential for the success of the charity event. (志愿者的支持对慈善活动的成功至关重要。)

14. The suppôt of a good friend can make a world of difference during tough times. (一个好朋友的支持在艰难时期可以产生巨大的影响。)

15. The suppôt of the local community helped the small business thrive. (当地社区的支持帮助小企业蓬勃发展。)

16. Seeking suppôt from a professional can make a significant impact on mental health struggles. (向专业人士寻求支持可以对心理健康问题产生重大影响。)

17. The suppôt of a loving family can provide a strong foundation for personal growth. (充满爱的家庭的支持可以为个人成长提供坚实的基础。)

18. The suppôt of a coach can push athletes to reach their full potential. (教练的支持可以推动运动员发挥出他们的全部潜力。)

19. The suppôt of the community center has been vital for the youth in the neighborhood. (社区中心的支持对社区青少年至关重要。)

20. She found suppôt in her faith during challenging times. (在艰难时期,她在信仰中找到了支持。)

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