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时间: 2024-09-20 02:48:13


1. The hotel offers a valet parking service, so a voiturier will take care of your car.


2. The voiturier swiftly parked the guests' cars and returned the keys with a smile.


3. The voiturier service at the restaurant ensured that patrons could easily park and retrieve their cars.


4. The hotel's voiturier was known for his courteous and efficient handling of guests' vehicles.


5. The voiturier skillfully navigated the crowded parking lot to find a spot for the guest's car.


6. 他是一位经验丰富的代客泊车员,擅长在繁忙的停车场中找到合适的停车位。

(He is an experienced valet who excels at finding the right parking spot in busy lots.)

7. 酒店的代客泊车员总是笑脸迎人,让客人感到宾至如归。

(The hotel's valet always greets guests with a smile, making them feel at home.)

8. 代客泊车员迅速停好了车辆,让客人可以立即进入餐厅享用美食。

(The valet swiftly parked the cars, allowing the guests to enter the restaurant immediately for a meal.)

9. 餐厅的代客泊车服务让客人在繁忙的城市中也能轻松停车。

(The restaurant's valet service makes it easy for guests to park in the busy city.)

10. 代客泊车员礼貌地接待客人,为他们解决停车问题。

(The valet courteously welcomes guests and takes care of their parking needs.)

11. 酒店的代客泊车服务是免费的,方便客人停车。

(The hotel's valet service is complimentary, making parking convenient for guests.)

12. 代客泊车员在繁忙的时刻也能保持镇静,娴熟地停好每一辆车。

(The valet remains calm even in busy times, skillfully parking each car.)

13. 客人赞扬酒店的代客泊车服务,称其为专业和高效。

(Guests praise the hotel's valet service, calling it professional and efficient.)

14. 餐厅提供的代客泊车服务让客人不必担心停车问题,可以专心享用美食。

(The restaurant's valet service allows guests to focus on their meal without worrying about parking.)

15. 代客泊车员在短时间内停好了所有客人的车辆,展现了高超的技能。

(The valet parked all the guests' cars in a short amount of time, demonstrating exceptional skill.)

16. 酒店的代客泊车员服务周到,为客人提供了额外的便利。

(The hotel's valet service is attentive, providing guests with extra convenience.)

17. 代客泊车员在繁忙的周末依然保持高效,让客人感到惊讶。

(The valet remained efficient even on busy weekends, surprising the guests.)

18. 他是一位有责任感的代客泊车员,总是确保客人的车辆安全停放。

(He is a responsible valet who always ensures the safe parking of guests' vehicles.)

19. 餐厅的代客泊车服务让客人感到宾至如归,不必为停车问题烦恼。

(The restaurant's valet service makes guests feel at home, relieving them of parking concerns.)

20. 代客泊车员利落地停好了车辆,为客人提供了出色的停车服务。

(The valet swiftly parked the cars, providing excellent parking service for the guests.)

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