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时间: 2024-09-18 11:35:37


1. The king sat on his golden trône, surrounded by his courtiers. (国王坐在他金色的宝座上,周围是他的朝臣。)

2. The trône room was adorned with intricate carvings and luxurious fabrics. (宝座室装饰着复杂的雕刻和豪华的织物。)

3. The queen ascended the trône to address the gathered nobles. (王后登上宝座,向聚集的贵族讲话。)

4. The trône was a symbol of power and authority in the kingdom. (宝座是王国中权力和权威的象征。)

5. The prince was groomed to one day take his place on the trône. (王子被培养着有朝一日接替宝座。)

6. The trône was passed down through generations of the royal family. (宝座由皇室世代相传。)

7. The trône was surrounded by guards in ceremonial uniforms. (宝座周围站着穿着礼仪制服的卫兵。)

8. The trône room was the most opulent and grandiose chamber in the palace. (宝座室是宫殿中最奢华和宏伟的房间。)

9. The king's trône was made of solid gold and encrusted with precious gems. (国王的宝座是由纯金制成,镶嵌着珍贵的宝石。)

10. The trône was a focal point of the coronation ceremony. (宝座是加冕仪式的焦点。)

11. The trône was a seat of great responsibility and duty. (宝座是一个充满责任和义务的位置。)

12. The trône room echoed with the sound of the king's proclamations. (宝座室回荡着国王的宣言声。)

13. The trône was a symbol of the ruler's connection to the divine. (宝座是统治者与神明联系的象征。)

14. The queen's trône was adorned with velvet cushions and golden tassels. (王后的宝座上装饰着天鹅绒垫和金色流苏。)

15. The trône room was filled with the scent of incense and the glow of candlelight. (宝座室弥漫着香味和烛光的辉煌。)

16. The trône was the center of attention during the royal audience. (宝座是皇家接见时的焦点。)

17. The trône was a symbol of the ruler's right to govern the kingdom. (宝座是统治者治理王国的权利的象征。)

18. The king's trône was flanked by statues of mythological creatures. (国王的宝座两侧是神话生物的雕像。)

19. The trône was where the king held court and dispensed justice. (宝座是国王举行法庭和施行正义的地方。)

20. The trône room was off-limits to all but the highest-ranking officials. (宝座室对除最高级别官员外的所有人禁止入内。)

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