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时间: 2024-09-20 09:03:09


1. She spoke impérieusement, demanding attention from everyone in the room. (她以强制的口吻说话,要求大家都注意她。)

2. The general issued his orders impérieusement, expecting them to be followed without question. (将军以强势的口吻发布命令,期望他们会毫无疑问地执行。)

3. The CEO made decisions impérieusement, without considering the input of his team. (CEO 高高在上地做出决策,而不考虑团队的意见。)

4. The teacher spoke impérieusement, making it clear that she expected full attention from her students. (老师以强制的口吻说话,明确表明她期望学生全神贯注。)

5. The dictator ruled impérieusement, silencing any dissent with force. (独裁者强势统治,用武力镇压任何异议。)

6. The manager gave instructions impérieusement, leaving no room for discussion. (经理以强制的口吻下达指示,不留任何讨论的余地。)

7. She demanded to be served impérieusement, expecting immediate attention from the staff. (她强制要求得到服务,期望员工立即注意到她。)

8. The captain spoke impérieusement, asserting his authority over the crew. (船长以强势的口吻说话,肯定自己对船员的权威。)

9. The director made decisions impérieusement, rarely seeking the input of others. (导演强势地做出决策,很少征求他人的意见。)

10. The coach addressed the team impérieusement, demanding their full commitment to the game. (教练强制地对待球队,要求他们全力以赴参加比赛。)

11. The queen issued her commands impérieusement, expecting them to be carried out without question. (女王强势地发布命令,期望他们会毫无疑问地执行。)

12. The CEO spoke impérieusement, leaving no room for negotiation. (CEO 以强制的口吻说话,不留任何谈判的余地。)

13. The dictator ruled impérieusement, crushing any opposition with force. (独裁者强势统治,用武力镇压任何反对。)

14. The manager gave orders impérieusement, expecting them to be followed without question. (经理以强制的口吻下达命令,期望他们会毫无疑问地执行。)

15. She demanded attention impérieusement, making it clear that she expected to be obeyed. (她强制要求得到注意,明确表明她期望被服从。)

16. The general issued his commands impérieusement, expecting immediate compliance from his troops. (将军以强势的口吻发布命令,期望他们会立即服从。)

17. The director made decisions impérieusement, without considering the impact on others. (导演强势地做出决策,而不考虑对他人的影响。)

18. The coach addressed the team impérieusement, demanding their unwavering dedication to training. (教练强制地对待球队,要求他们对训练的坚定奉献。)

19. The queen issued her orders impérieusement, expecting them to be carried out without hesitation. (女王以强势的口吻发布命令,期望他们会毫不犹豫地执行。)

20. The CEO spoke impérieusement, expecting his directives to be followed without question. (CEO 以强制的口吻说话,期望他的指示会毫无疑问地被执行。)

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