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时间: 2024-09-20 11:21:08


1. The company had a monopsony on the local labor market, allowing them to dictate wages and working conditions.(该公司在当地劳动市场上拥有垄断购买力,从而能够决定工资和工作条件。)

2. The monopsony power of the big supermarket chains allows them to negotiate lower prices with suppliers.(大型超市连锁店的垄断购买力使它们能够与供应商谈判降低价格。)

3. The government is concerned about the potential effects of the hospital's monopsony on healthcare services.(政府担心医院的垄断购买力对医疗服务可能产生的影响。)

4. The monopsony situation in the industry has led to reduced competition and innovation.(行业中的垄断购买力情况导致了竞争和创新的减少。)

5. The labor union is seeking to break the employer's monopsony power by advocating for workers' rights.(工会正在寻求通过倡导工人权利来打破雇主的垄断购买力。)

6. The government is considering measures to prevent the formation of a monopsony in the telecommunications industry.(政府正在考虑采取措施防止电信行业形成垄断购买力。)

7. The company's monopsony position allowed them to drive down prices for raw materials.(该公司的垄断购买力地位使他们能够压低原材料价格。)

8. The monopsony power of the pharmaceutical company gives them significant control over drug pricing.(制药公司的垄断购买力使他们对药品定价具有重大控制权。)

9. The presence of a monopsony in the agricultural sector has led to concerns about fair pricing for farmers.(农业领域存在垄断购买力引发了对农民公平定价的担忧。)

10. The government is investigating whether there is a monopsony in the energy market.(政府正在调查能源市场是否存在垄断购买力。)

11. 该公司在当地劳动市场上拥有垄断购买力,从而能够决定工资和工作条件。

12. 大型超市连锁店的垄断购买力使它们能够与供应商谈判降低价格。

13. 政府担心医院的垄断购买力对医疗服务可能产生的影响。

14. 行业中的垄断购买力情况导致了竞争和创新的减少。

15. 工会正在寻求通过倡导工人权利来打破雇主的垄断购买力。

16. 政府正在考虑采取措施防止电信行业形成垄断购买力。

17. 该公司的垄断购买力地位使他们能够压低原材料价格。

18. 制药公司的垄断购买力使他们对药品定价具有重大控制权。

19. 农业领域存在垄断购买力引发了对农民公平定价的担忧。

20. 政府正在调查能源市场是否存在垄断购买力。

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