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时间: 2024-09-19 17:29:15


1. The prestigious art gallery has a certain cachet that attracts collectors and connoisseurs.


2. The luxury brand's cachet is evident in the quality and exclusivity of its products.


3. The restaurant's cachet comes from its celebrity chef and innovative cuisine.


4. The historical significance of the building adds a certain cachet to the neighborhood.


5. The exclusive club has a cachet that makes it highly sought after by the city's elite.


6. The cachet of the designer label is reflected in the high prices and limited availability of its clothing.


7. The cachet of the award-winning film drew large audiences to the theater.


8. The cachet of the historic hotel lies in its elegant architecture and storied past.


9. The cachet of the antique jewelry collection is enhanced by its provenance and craftsmanship.


10. The cachet of the university is bolstered by its renowned faculty and rigorous academic programs.


11. 这家高档酒店的声望来自于其豪华的设施和卓越的服务。

12. 这个品牌的声望在于其悠久的历史和顶尖的设计团队。

13. 这座城市的文化氛围增添了一种特定的声望,吸引着艺术家和创意人才。

14. 这个地区的声望源自于其丰富的历史遗产和独特的风土人情。

15. 这所学校的声望来自于其卓越的教学质量和学生的成就。

16. 这家公司的声望在于其专业的团队和创新的产品。

17. 这个社区的声望受益于其优美的自然环境和宜居的生活条件。

18. 这家音乐厂牌的声望得益于其签约的顶尖音乐人和成功的唱片销量。

19. 这个城市的声望在于其繁荣的经济和多元化的文化。

20. 这个活动的声望来自于其历史悠久和成功的举办经验。

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