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时间: 2024-09-18 19:13:45


1. I bought a new disque of my favorite band's latest album.


2. The disque was scratched and wouldn't play properly.


3. The disque player is not working, so we can't listen to music.


4. She carefully placed the disque back in its sleeve to keep it safe.


5. The disque store has a wide selection of vinyl records.


6. He's a disque collector and has a rare collection of vintage records.


7. The disque was a limited edition release, so it's quite valuable.


8. The disque contains all of their greatest hits from the 80s.


9. The disque has a beautiful cover design with intricate artwork.


10. She loves the crackling sound of a disque playing on a turntable.


11. 这张唱片是我的珍藏之一,我非常珍惜它。

(This disque is one of my prized possessions, and I treasure it greatly.)

12. 她用软布轻轻地擦拭唱片,以确保它保持良好的状态。

(She gently wiped the disque with a soft cloth to ensure it stayed in good condition.)

13. 那家唱片店有各种各样的老式唱片,吸引了很多收藏家。

(The disque store had a variety of vintage records, attracting many collectors.)

14. 这张唱片的音质非常好,让我回想起了年轻时代的美好回忆。

(The disque had excellent sound quality, bringing back fond memories of my youth.)

15. 这张唱片是他的首张专辑,获得了很多粉丝的喜爱。

(The disque was his debut album and gained a lot of fans' love.)

16. 这张唱片是一份珍贵的礼物,让我感到非常感激。

(The disque was a precious gift, and I felt very grateful for it.)

17. 她把这张唱片放在唱片机上,享受着音乐带来的愉悦。

(She put the disque on the turntable and enjoyed the pleasure brought by the music.)

18. 这张唱片的封面设计很有创意,吸引了我一眼。

(The disque's cover design was very creative and caught my eye.)

19. 这张唱片的发行量有限,很快就被抢购一空。

(The disque had a limited release and quickly sold out.)

20. 我在唱片店发现了一张我一直在寻找的特别唱片。

(I found a special disque I had been searching for at the record store.)

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