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时间: 2024-09-19 17:31:13


1. The vagabond wandered from town to town, never staying in one place for long. (这个流浪汉在城镇间漫游,从来不在一个地方停留太久。)

2. She felt like a vagabond as she hopped from hostel to hostel during her backpacking trip. (在背包旅行中,她像个流浪者一样在青年旅社之间跳跃。)

3. The old man was a vagabond, living off the generosity of others and refusing to settle down. (这个老人是个流浪汉,靠着他人的慷慨生活,拒绝安定下来。)

4. Vagabonds were often viewed with suspicion by the townspeople, as they were seen as unpredictable and potentially dangerous. (流浪汉常常被城镇居民怀疑,因为他们被认为是不可预测和潜在危险的。)

5. The vagabond's nomadic lifestyle allowed him to see many different places and meet a variety of people. (这个流浪汉的游牧生活方式让他看到了许多不同的地方,结识了各种各样的人。)

6. The vagabond's carefree attitude towards life inspired others to break free from societal expectations. (流浪汉对生活的无忧无虑态度激励着其他人去摆脱社会的期望。)

7. Vagabonds were often romanticized in literature as free spirits unencumbered by the constraints of society. (在文学作品中,流浪汉常常被浪漫化,被描绘为不受社会束缚的自由灵魂。)

8. The vagabond's tattered clothes and weathered appearance told the story of a life spent on the road. (流浪汉破烂的衣服和风化的外表诉说着一个在路上度过的生活。)

9. Despite his vagabond lifestyle, the man had a sense of peace and contentment that eluded many who lived conventional lives. (尽管过着流浪生活,这个人有一种平和和满足感,这是许多过着传统生活的人所无法体会的。)

10. The vagabond's guitar playing drew a crowd wherever he went, earning him a few coins for his performances. (流浪汉的吉他弹奏吸引了他所到之处的人群,为他的表演赚来了一些硬币。)

11. 流浪汉在城镇间漫游,从来不在一个地方停留太久。

12. 在背包旅行中,她像个流浪者一样在青年旅社之间跳跃。

13. 这个老人是个流浪汉,靠着他人的慷慨生活,拒绝安定下来。

14. 流浪汉常常被城镇居民怀疑,因为他们被认为是不可预测和潜在危险的。

15. 这个流浪汉的游牧生活方式让他看到了许多不同的地方,结识了各种各样的人。

16. 流浪汉对生活的无忧无虑态度激励着其他人去摆脱社会的期望。

17. 在文学作品中,流浪汉常常被浪漫化,被描绘为不受社会束缚的自由灵魂。

18. 流浪汉破烂的衣服和风化的外表诉说着一个在路上度过的生活。

19. 尽管过着流浪生活,这个人有一种平和和满足感,这是许多过着传统生活的人所无法体会的。

20. 流浪汉的吉他弹奏吸引了他所到之处的人群,为他的表演赚来了一些硬币。

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