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时间: 2024-09-18 14:14:06


1. The air in the factory is toxique, so the workers have to wear protective masks.


2. Be careful not to touch the toxique plants in the garden, they can cause skin irritation.


3. The toxique fumes from the car exhaust can be harmful to your health.


4. It's important to properly dispose of toxique chemicals to avoid environmental contamination.


5. The company was fined for releasing toxique waste into the river.


6. The scientist studied the effects of toxique substances on the human body.


7. The warning label on the cleaning product indicated that it contained toxique ingredients.


8. The toxique nature of the drug was a cause for concern among medical professionals.


9. The toxique spill from the industrial plant polluted the nearby water source.


10. The workers were trained on how to safely handle toxique materials.


11. 空气中的有毒气体对人体健康有害。

12. 这种化学品具有极高的毒性,必须小心使用。

13. 这座工厂的废水含有大量有毒物质,对周围环境造成了严重污染。

14. 他们正在研究如何处理有毒废料,以免对环境造成进一步的危害。

15. 警方怀疑这次事件与有毒物质的泄漏有关。

16. 这些有毒植物在触摸后会引起皮肤瘙痒和炎症。

17. 这个地区的土壤被工厂排放的有毒废料污染了。

18. 他因误吸有毒气体而被送往医院接受治疗。

19. 这家公司被指控在未经处理的情况下将有毒废物倾倒到河流中。

20. 有毒气体的泄漏导致了整个社区的疏散。

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