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时间: 2024-09-19 17:23:58


1. The surgeon used catgut to stitch up the patient's wound.


2. Catgut is a type of suture material made from the intestines of sheep or goats.


3. The violin strings were traditionally made from catgut.


4. Catgut is often used in surgical procedures because it is absorbable by the body.


5. The catgut suture was carefully tied off to ensure the incision would heal properly.


6. 猫肠线是一种由动物的肠制成的缝合线材料。

7. 这种手术线常常用于外科手术中,因为它可以被人体吸收。

8. 小提琴的弦传统上是由猫肠线制成的。

9. 外科医生使用猫肠线缝合了患者的伤口。

10. 猫肠线是一种用羊或山羊的肠制成的缝合材料。

11. 这种手术线可以被人体吸收,因此在外科手术中使用较为常见。

12. 猫肠线缝合线被小心地打结,以确保切口会正确愈合。

13. The veterinary surgeon used catgut to suture the dog's wound.


14. Catgut is no longer commonly used in modern medicine due to the availability of synthetic materials.


15. The catgut string on the tennis racket broke during the match.


16. Catgut sutures were historically made from the intestines of sheep or goats.


17. The use of catgut in surgical procedures dates back to ancient times.


18. 猫肠线在现代医学中已不再常见使用,因为有了合成材料的替代品。

19. 这种网球拍上的猫肠线弦在比赛中断裂了。

20. 兽医外科医生使用猫肠线缝合了狗的伤口。

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