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时间: 2024-09-18 11:48:57


1. The libretto for the opera was written by a famous playwright.


2. The composer carefully crafted the libretto to perfectly complement the music.


3. The libretto tells the story of a tragic love affair between two young lovers.


4. The libretto was beautifully written, with poetic and evocative language.


5. The libretto provided the framework for the entire opera production.


6. The libretto was translated into multiple languages for international performances.


7. The libretto captures the emotional depth and complexity of the characters.


8. The libretto was a collaborative effort between the composer and the librettist.


9. The libretto is filled with dramatic tension and powerful dialogue.


10. The libretto explores themes of love, betrayal, and redemption.


11. 这部歌剧的剧本由一位著名的作家撰写。

(The libretto for the opera was written by a famous playwright.)

12. 作曲家精心打磨了剧本,以完美地配合音乐。

(The composer carefully crafted the libretto to perfectly complement the music.)

13. 剧本讲述了两个年轻情人之间的悲剧爱情故事。

(The libretto tells the story of a tragic love affair between two young lovers.)

14. 这个剧本写得很美,用诗意和唤起情感的语言。

(The libretto was beautifully written, with poetic and evocative language.)

15. 剧本为整个歌剧制作提供了框架。

(The libretto provided the framework for the entire opera production.)

16. 剧本被翻译成多种语言,用于国际演出。

(The libretto was translated into multiple languages for international performances.)

17. 剧本捕捉到了角色的情感深度和复杂性。

(The libretto captures the emotional depth and complexity of the characters.)

18. 剧本是作曲家和剧作家之间的合作努力。

(The libretto was a collaborative effort between the composer and the librettist.)

19. 剧本充满了戏剧张力和强大的对话。

(The libretto is filled with dramatic tension and powerful dialogue.)

20. 剧本探讨了爱情、背叛和救赎的主题。

(The libretto explores themes of love, betrayal, and redemption.)

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