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时间: 2024-09-18 18:49:14


1. She used a special cream to rajeunir her skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.(她使用了一种特殊的面霜来让她的皮肤变得年轻,并减少皱纹的出现。)

2. The spa offers treatments that claim to rajeunir the body and mind.(这家水疗中心提供声称能让身心年轻的护理。)

3. Many people seek out cosmetic procedures to rajeunir their appearance.(许多人寻求整容手术来让自己看起来年轻。)

4. The new fitness program promises to rajeunir participants and improve their overall health.(这个新的健身计划承诺能让参与者年轻,并改善他们的整体健康。)

5. Rajeunir doesn't just refer to physical appearance, but also to feeling youthful and energetic.(“Rajeunir”不仅指外貌年轻,也指感觉年轻和充满活力。)

6. The anti-aging cream claims to rajeunir the skin and reduce the signs of aging.(这种抗衰老面霜声称能让皮肤年轻,并减少衰老的迹象。)

7. After using the new skincare regimen, she noticed her skin beginning to rajeunir.(使用新的护肤程序后,她发现她的皮肤开始年轻。)

8. The spa's relaxation treatments aim to rajeunir both the body and mind.(水疗中心的放松护理旨在让身心年轻。)

9. Rajeunir is not just about physical appearance, but also about mental and emotional rejuvenation.(年轻不仅仅是指外貌,也包括心理和情感的恢复。)

10. The retreat's holistic approach aims to rajeunir guests on every level.(这个疗养院的整体方法旨在在各个方面让客人年轻。)

11. The new lifestyle changes have helped her to rajeunir and feel more vibrant.(新的生活方式改变帮助她年轻并感到更有活力。)

12. The facial treatment is designed to rajeunir the skin and improve its elasticity.(面部护理旨在使皮肤年轻,并提高其弹性。)

13. The wellness retreat offers programs to help participants rajeunir their bodies and minds.(健康疗养院提供项目来帮助参与者年轻他们的身心。)

14. Rajeunir is not just about looking young, but also about feeling healthy and energetic.(年轻不仅仅是指外表年轻,也包括感觉健康和充满活力。)

15. The new beauty treatment promises to rajeunir the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines.(这种新的美容护理承诺能让皮肤年轻,并减少细纹的出现。)

16. The anti-aging clinic offers procedures to help clients rajeunir their appearance.(这家抗衰老诊所提供程序来帮助客户年轻他们的外貌。)

17. Rajeunir is about more than just physical beauty; it's about overall wellness and vitality.(年轻不仅仅是指外貌美,也包括整体健康和活力。)

18. The rejuvenating spa treatment is designed to rajeunir the body and mind.(恢复活力的水疗护理旨在年轻身心。)

19. The new exercise routine has helped her to rajeunir and feel more agile.(新的锻炼程序帮助她年轻并感到更敏捷。)

20. Rajeunir is a goal for many people as they seek to maintain a youthful and energetic lifestyle.(年轻是许多人的目标,因为他们希望保持年轻和充满活力的生活方式。)

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