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时间: 2024-09-21 08:05:27


1. Effective management is essential for the success of any business.


2. The company is undergoing a change in management.


3. Time management is a key skill for professionals.


4. The new management team has implemented several changes to improve efficiency.


5. The management of the hotel is dedicated to providing excellent customer service.


6. Good management involves effective communication and decision-making.


7. The project’s success is attributed to the strong leadership and management skills of the team.


8. The management is considering expanding the company’s product line.


9. She has a degree in business management.


10. The management of natural resources is crucial for the future of the planet.


11. 管理层已经实施了几项改变以提高效率。

12. 这家酒店的管理层致力于提供优质的客户服务。

13. 良好的管理包括有效的沟通和决策。

14. 项目的成功归功于团队的强大领导和管理技能。

15. 管理层正在考虑扩大公司的产品线。

16. 她拥有商业管理学位。

17. 自然资源的管理对于地球的未来至关重要。

18. 公司正在进行管理层的变动。

19. 他们需要改善员工的管理和培训。

20. 管理层决定进行一次公司重组。

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