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时间: 2024-09-21 10:19:09


1. The establishment of the new company was a major milestone for the business community.


2. The political establishment is often resistant to change.


3. The establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries was a significant achievement.


4. The establishment of a successful restaurant requires careful planning and hard work.


5. The establishment of a national park helped to protect the natural environment.


6. The establishment of a strong educational foundation is crucial for children's future success.


7. The establishment of rules and regulations is necessary for maintaining order in society.


8. The establishment of a new government brought hope for positive change.


9. The establishment of a reliable source of income is important for financial security.


10. The establishment of a strong network of contacts can be beneficial for career advancement.


11. 这个组织的建立是为了解决社区的问题。

(The establishment of this organization was to address community issues.)

12. 建立一家成功的企业需要大量的资金和资源。

(The establishment of a successful business requires a lot of capital and resources.)

13. 这所学校的建立是为了提供高质量的教育。

(The establishment of this school was to provide high-quality education.)

14. 政府机构的建立需要经过一系列程序和法律程序。

(The establishment of government agencies requires a series of procedures and legal processes.)

15. 这家医院的建立是为了满足当地居民的医疗需求。

(The establishment of this hospital was to meet the medical needs of the local residents.)

16. 他们决定建立一个新的家庭企业。

(They decided to establish a new family business.)

17. 这个组织的建立是为了推动环保意识。

(The establishment of this organization was to promote environmental awareness.)

18. 建立一个良好的声誉需要时间和努力。

(Establishing a good reputation takes time and effort.)

19. 这个项目的建立需要得到政府的支持。

(The establishment of this project requires government support.)

20. 经济的建立需要政策和战略规划。

(The establishment of the economy requires policies and strategic planning.)

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