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时间: 2024-09-20 13:02:42


1. She showed kindness to the homeless man by giving him a warm meal. (她给那个无家可归的人提供了温暖的饭菜,表现出善良的行为。)

2. The teacher's kindness towards her students earned her their respect. (老师对学生的善良行为赢得了他们的尊重。)

3. It's important to treat others with kindness and respect. (以善良和尊重的态度对待他人是很重要的。)

4. The elderly lady was overwhelmed by the kindness of the young man who helped her carry her groceries. (那位年长的女士被那个帮她提着杂货的年轻人的善良所感动。)

5. The charity organization spreads kindness by providing food and shelter to those in need. (慈善组织通过向有需要的人提供食物和住所来传播善良。)

6. The kindness of strangers can sometimes make a big difference in someone's day. (陌生人的善良有时可以在某人的一天中产生重大影响。)

7. She expressed her gratitude for the kindness shown to her during a difficult time. (她对在困难时期向她表达善意的人表示感激。)

8. The little boy's act of kindness, such as sharing his toys, touched everyone's hearts. (小男孩分享他的玩具等善良行为感动了每个人的心。)

9. Kindness is contagious - when you show it, others are more likely to show it too. (善良是具有传染性的-当你表现出善良时,其他人也更有可能表现出善良。)

10. The kindness of the stranger who helped her change a flat tire restored her faith in humanity. (那位帮助她换下一个爆胎的陌生人的善良行为恢复了她对人类的信心。)

11. The teacher encouraged her students to perform acts of kindness towards each other. (老师鼓励她的学生们互相表现善良行为。)

12. A simple act of kindness, such as holding the door open for someone, can brighten their day. (一个简单的善良行为,比如为某人开门,可以让他们的一天更加美好。)

13. The kindness of a stranger offering her an umbrella during a sudden rainstorm saved her from getting wet. (陌生人在突然的暴雨中提供了一把伞,挽救了她被淋湿的命运。)

14. Kindness is not just about being nice, it's about showing empathy and understanding towards others. (善良不仅仅是友善,还要向他人表现出同理心和理解。)

15. The community came together to support a family in need, showing the true power of kindness. (社区团结起来支持一家需要帮助的家庭,展现了善良的真正力量。)

16. The kind words of encouragement from her friends lifted her spirits and gave her hope. (朋友们鼓励的善良言辞让她精神振奋,给了她希望。)

17. The elderly couple's act of kindness in volunteering at the local hospital inspired others to do the same. (那对年长夫妇在当地医院做义工的善良行为激励了其他人做同样的事情。)

18. Kindness can create a ripple effect, spreading positivity and compassion. (善良可以产生连锁效应,传播积极和同情心。)

19. The kind gesture of giving up his seat on the bus for an elderly woman showed his kindness and respect for others. (为一位年长妇女让座的善良举动显示了他对他人的善良和尊重。)

20. The kindness of the stranger who helped her find her lost wallet restored her faith in humanity. (帮助她找到丢失的钱包的陌生人的善良行为恢复了她对人类的信心。)

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