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时间: 2024-09-20 11:16:10


1. The darkness of the night enveloped the city in a shroud of mystery.


2. She was afraid of the darkness and always slept with a night light on.


3. The darkness of his soul was reflected in his brooding eyes.


4. The forest was filled with an eerie darkness as the sun set.


5. The darkness of the situation seemed overwhelming at times.


6. She felt a sense of foreboding in the darkness of the abandoned house.


7. The darkness of the cave was impenetrable without a flashlight.


8. The darkness of the storm clouded the sky, blocking out the sun.


9. In the darkness, she stumbled and fell over a rock.


10. The darkness of his past haunted him, making it difficult to move forward.


11. The darkness in the room was so thick that she could barely see her hand in front of her face.


12. The darkness of the situation weighed heavily on her mind.


13. The darkness of the tunnel made it difficult to navigate without a light.


14. The darkness of the night gave the street a desolate feeling.


15. The darkness of the movie theater made it hard for her to find her seat.


16. The darkness of the criminal's actions shocked the entire community.


17. The darkness of the ocean depths held many mysteries waiting to be discovered.


18. The darkness of the forest at night was both beautiful and eerie.


19. The darkness of her depression seemed never-ending.


20. The darkness of the cave provided a cool respite from the hot sun outside.


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