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时间: 2024-09-20 01:16:41


1. I want to acknowledge all of the hard work and dedication of my team.


2. She didn't even acknowledge my presence when I walked into the room.


3. It's important to acknowledge the contributions of everyone involved in the project.


4. I acknowledge that I made a mistake and I apologize for it.


5. The company acknowledged the need for change and implemented new policies.


6. We must acknowledge the impact of climate change on our planet.


7. He failed to acknowledge the role his actions played in causing the problem.


8. The author's work was acknowledged with a prestigious literary award.


9. It's important to acknowledge the role that luck can play in success.


10. The government acknowledged the need for better healthcare access for all citizens.


11. She nodded to acknowledge that she had heard what he said.


12. He refused to acknowledge his mistake and instead blamed others.


13. The manager acknowledged the hard work of his employees with a bonus.


14. The company publicly acknowledged the role of its employees in its success.


15. She hesitated to acknowledge her feelings for fear of rejection.


16. The government must acknowledge the grievances of its citizens and work to address them.


17. It's important to acknowledge the diversity of opinions and perspectives in a group.


18. The company acknowledged the need for more environmentally-friendly practices.


19. He failed to acknowledge the impact of his words on those around him.


20. The student's hard work was acknowledged with a scholarship to attend college.


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