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时间: 2024-09-19 17:19:08


1. The company denied the allegations of fraud made by the former employee.


2. The celebrity faced numerous allegations of misconduct from multiple sources.


3. The police are investigating the allegations of abuse at the nursing home.


4. She was shocked by the false allegations spread about her in the media.


5. The allegations of corruption within the government have sparked public outrage.


6. The lawyer advised his client to gather evidence to refute the allegations against him.


7. The politician vehemently denied the allegations of bribery during the press conference.


8. The teacher was suspended pending an investigation into the allegations of misconduct.


9. The allegations of discrimination in the workplace led to a formal investigation by HR.


10. He was cleared of all allegations of wrongdoing after a thorough investigation.


11. 这些指控对公司的声誉造成了严重损害。

(The allegations have seriously damaged the company's reputation.)

12. 警方将对这些严重的指控展开全面调查。

(The police will conduct a thorough investigation into these serious allegations.)

13. 她对这些不实的指控感到非常愤怒。

(She is very angry about these false allegations.)

14. 他被控犯有金融欺诈罪,但他否认了这些指控。

(He was accused of financial fraud, but he denied the allegations.)

15. 这位演员面对性侵指控时,发表了一份声明。

(The actor released a statement in response to the sexual assault allegations.)

16. 公司高层已经辞职,因为他们涉嫌贪污的指控。

(The company executives have resigned following allegations of corruption.)

17. 这些指控使他的职业生涯受到了严重影响。

(The allegations have had a significant impact on his career.)

18. 她对这些指控提出了反驳,称其为毫无根据的。

(She refuted the allegations, calling them baseless.)

19. 这位政治家被控收受贿赂,但他坚称自己清白。

(The politician was accused of accepting bribes, but he maintains his innocence.)

20. 这些指控可能会导致公司受到法律制裁。

(The allegations could result in legal consequences for the company.)

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