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时间: 2024-09-21 07:41:01


1. The ambassador was tasked with strengthening diplomatic ties between the two countries.


2. The ambassador attended the summit to represent her country's interests on the global stage.


3. The ambassador was known for his excellent communication skills and ability to negotiate effectively.


4. The ambassador's official residence was a grand mansion in the capital city.


5. The ambassador's term was marked by successful trade agreements and cultural exchanges between the two nations.


6. The ambassador hosted a reception to welcome foreign dignitaries to the country.


7. The ambassador presented his credentials to the foreign government, officially beginning his diplomatic mission.


8. The ambassador worked tirelessly to promote peace and cooperation between neighboring countries.


9. The ambassador was well-respected in diplomatic circles for his tact and discretion.


10. The ambassador's efforts were instrumental in resolving a longstanding conflict between the two nations.


11. 大使在两国之间发挥着重要的桥梁作用,促进了双方的合作和交流。

12. 这位大使被派往国外,代表本国政府进行外交事务。

13. 大使的职责包括维护本国在外交上的利益和形象。

14. 这位大使在国际事务中扮演着重要的角色,促进了国家间的合作与发展。

15. 大使在外交场合中要具备高超的谈判技巧和卓越的沟通能力。

16. 这位大使在外交使命中展现出了出色的领导才能和决策能力。

17. 大使的言行举止代表着本国政府的立场和态度。

18. 这位大使在重要会议上代表本国政府发表讲话,强调了双方的友好关系和合作意愿。

19. 大使的外交工作为两国之间的关系注入了新的活力和动力。

20. 这位大使在危机处理和外交谈判中展现出了非凡的应对能力和智慧。

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