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时间: 2024-09-21 10:12:28


1. The ambient temperature in the room was too hot for comfort.(房间内的环境温度太高,令人感到不舒服。)

2. She enjoyed listening to ambient music while studying.(她喜欢在学习时听环境音乐。)

3. The ambient lighting in the restaurant created a cozy atmosphere.(餐厅内的环境照明营造出了温馨的氛围。)

4. The ambient noise from the street made it difficult to concentrate.(街上的环境噪音让人难以集中注意力。)

5. The ambient humidity in the greenhouse was perfect for growing tropical plants.(温室内的环境湿度非常适合种植热带植物。)

6. The ambient scent of flowers filled the room.(花香弥漫在房间里。)

7. The ambient sounds of nature were soothing to the soul.(大自然的环境声音让人心灵平静。)

8. The ambient light of the setting sun bathed the landscape in a warm glow.(夕阳的环境光线让风景充满了温暖的光芒。)

9. The ambient air quality in the city was poor due to pollution.(城市的环境空气质量因污染而变差。)

10. The ambient temperature of the ocean affected the behavior of marine life.(海洋的环境温度影响了海洋生物的行为。)

11. The ambient music playing in the background enhanced the dining experience.(背景中播放的环境音乐增强了用餐体验。)

12. The ambient noise of the bustling city could be overwhelming at times.(繁华城市的环境噪音有时会让人感到不堪重负。)

13. The ambient lighting in the art gallery highlighted the beauty of the paintings.(美术馆内的环境照明突显了画作的美丽。)

14. The ambient humidity in the bathroom caused the mirror to fog up.(浴室内的环境湿度导致镜子起雾。)

15. The ambient temperature of the room was carefully regulated to keep the sensitive equipment cool.(房间的环境温度被精心调节,以保持敏感设备的冷却。)

16. The ambient scent of fresh coffee filled the air in the café.(咖啡馆里弥漫着新鲜咖啡的香味。)

17. The ambient sounds of chirping birds added to the tranquility of the garden.(鸟鸣的环境声音增添了花园的宁静氛围。)

18. The ambient light of the moon illuminated the path through the forest.(月光的环境光线照亮了穿过森林的小路。)

19. The ambient noise of the waterfall drowned out all other sounds in the canyon.(瀑布的环境噪音淹没了峡谷中的其他声音。)

20. The ambient air quality in the mountains was fresh and clean.(山区的环境空气质量清新干净。)

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