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时间: 2024-09-20 02:50:19


Certainly! Here are 15 French sentences using "mardi" along with their English translations:

1. Demain, c'est mardi.

- Tomorrow is Tuesday.

2. Nous avons rendez-vous mardi matin.

- We have an appointment Tuesday morning.

3. Mardi, je vais au cinéma.

- On Tuesday, I'm going to the movies.

4. Mardi prochain, nous aurons une réunion importante.

- Next Tuesday, we will have an important meeting.

5. Mardi est le jour de la semaine où j'ai le plus de travail.

- Tuesday is the day of the week when I have the most work.

6. Elle vient me rendre visite chaque mardi.

- She comes to visit me every Tuesday.

7. Mardi soir, nous dînons ensemble.

- Tuesday evening, we have dinner together.

8. À partir de mardi, les nouveaux horaires seront en vigueur.

- Starting Tuesday, the new schedule will be in effect.

9. Nous partirons en vacances mardi après-midi.

- We are leaving for vacation Tuesday afternoon.

10. Il n'y aura pas de cours mardi prochain.

- There won't be any classes next Tuesday.

11. Mardi, nous célébrons l'anniversaire de ma sœur.

- Tuesday, we are celebrating my sister's birthday.

12. Elle doit remettre son rapport mardi matin.

- She has to submit her report Tuesday morning.

13. Mardi dernier, il a neigé toute la journée.

- Last Tuesday, it snowed all day.

14. Il passe au bureau chaque mardi pour ramasser les documents.

- He comes to the office every Tuesday to pick up the documents.

15. Mardi est mon jour préféré de la semaine.

- Tuesday is my favorite day of the week.

I hope these examples help! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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