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时间: 2024-09-19 11:50:06


1. The burden of caring for her elderly parents fell on her shoulders.


2. The company's debt has become a heavy burden.


3. She felt the burden of responsibility as the new team leader.


4. The burden of proof is on the prosecution.


5. Carrying the heavy backpack was a burden on his back.


6. The burden of guilt weighed heavily on her conscience.


7. The burden of expectations from her family was overwhelming.


8. The burden of student loans can be a major financial strain.


9. The burden of history weighs heavily on this nation.


10. She felt the burden of being the sole breadwinner in her family.


11. The burden of past mistakes haunted him for years.


12. Carrying the burden of a secret was becoming unbearable for him.


13. The burden of proof in a criminal trial lies with the prosecution.


14. The burden of expectation from her parents was a constant source of stress.


15. The burden of disease in developing countries is a major public health concern.


16. The burden of unemployment is taking a toll on the community.


17. The burden of proof in a civil case is typically on the plaintiff.


18. The burden of caring for her sick husband was overwhelming.


19. The burden of maintaining the family farm fell on his shoulders.


20. The burden of living up to his parents' expectations was a constant source of stress for him.


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