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时间: 2024-09-19 11:23:47


1. I need to stop by the bureau to renew my driver's license.


2. The bureau of statistics released the latest unemployment figures.


3. The hotel room had a small bureau for storing clothes and personal items.


4. She works for the federal bureau of investigation.


5. The bureau of labor is responsible for enforcing workplace safety regulations.


6. The bureau is closed on weekends.


7. The bureau of customs detained the shipment for inspection.


8. The bureau of tourism promotes the region as a vacation destination.


9. The bureau of land management oversees the use of public lands.


10. She sat at the bureau, writing letters and paying bills.


11. 我需要去办公室更新我的驾驶执照。

12. 统计局发布了最新的失业数据。

13. 酒店房间有一个小的衣柜,用来存放衣物和个人物品。

14. 她在联邦调查局工作。

15. 劳工局负责执行工作场所安全规定。

16. 办公室周末不开放。

17. 海关局扣留了货物进行检查。

18. 旅游局推广该地区作为度假目的地。

19. 土地管理局监督公共土地的使用。

20. 她坐在写字台上,写信和付账单。

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