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时间: 2024-09-18 18:59:27


1. She runs her own successful business. 她经营着自己成功的生意。

2. The company is in the business of manufacturing and selling electronics. 这家公司从事电子产品的制造和销售业务。

3. The business has been booming since they launched their new product. 自从他们推出新产品以来,生意一直很好。

4. I have to go on a business trip next week. 我下周要出差。

5. The business world is constantly changing. 商业世界不断变化。

6. He has a good head for business. 他很懂生意。

7. The business is struggling to stay afloat in the current economic climate. 在当前的经济环境下,这家企业正在艰难地维持经营。

8. She has a degree in business administration. 她拥有工商管理学位。

9. We need to discuss the business plan at the meeting. 我们需要在会议上讨论业务计划。

10. The business is expanding into new markets. 这家企业正在拓展新的市场。

11. It's important to have a clear vision for your business. 对于你的生意来说,拥有清晰的愿景非常重要。

12. The business has been hit hard by the recent economic downturn. 近期的经济下滑给这家企业带来了沉重的打击。

13. He's a shrewd businessman. 他是一个精明的商人。

14. The business is looking to hire new employees. 这家企业想要招聘新员工。

15. She's in the fashion business. 她从事时装行业。

16. The business is facing tough competition from rival companies. 这家企业面临来自竞争对手的激烈竞争。

17. Our main business is in the retail sector. 我们的主要业务在零售领域。

18. The business is in need of a fresh approach. 这家企业需要一种新的方法。

19. I need to take care of some business matters before we can leave. 我需要处理一些事务才能离开。

20. The business was founded over 50 years ago. 这家企业成立已有50多年了。

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