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时间: 2024-09-19 11:49:45


1. The lion was pacing back and forth in its cage at the zoo.


2. The actor felt like he was in a cage, unable to escape the pressures of fame.


3. The bird cage was beautifully decorated with colorful beads and ribbons.


4. The prisoners were kept in small cages, unable to move freely.


5. The circus performer stepped into the cage with the tigers, ready to put on a show.


6. The butterfly emerged from its chrysalis and fluttered around the cage.


7. The police officers put the criminal in a holding cage until they could process his arrest.


8. The dog was happy to be let out of its cage and run around the yard.


9. The researcher carefully placed the mice in their cages and made sure they had plenty of food and water.


10. The singer's voice echoed through the concert hall, filling every corner of the cage with sound.


11. The cage rattled as the lion inside roared in frustration.


12. The prisoner felt trapped in a cage of his own making, unable to break free from his bad habits.


13. The bird cage hung from the ceiling, swaying gently in the breeze.


14. The zookeeper cleaned the cages and fed the animals every morning.


15. The circus trainer entered the cage with the lions, earning their trust through years of training.


16. The bird cage was a beautiful addition to the garden, attracting colorful songbirds.


17. The cat prowled around the cage, eyeing the birds inside hungrily.


18. The prisoner's only view of the outside world was through the bars of his cage.


19. The cage door swung open and the animals were released back into the wild.


20. The magician locked himself in a cage and then made it disappear in front of the audience's eyes.


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