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时间: 2024-09-18 11:46:22


1. She is a capable leader who always knows how to motivate her team.(她是一个有能力的领导者,总是知道如何激励她的团队。)

2. Despite his young age, he is capable of handling complex tasks with ease.(尽管年纪轻轻,他有能力轻松处理复杂的任务。)

3. The new employee has proven herself to be capable of taking on more responsibility.(这位新员工已经证明自己有能力承担更多的责任。)

4. Our team is capable of overcoming any challenges that come our way.(我们的团队有能力克服任何困难。)

5. She is a capable student who excels in both academics and extracurricular activities.(她是一个有能力的学生,在学业和课外活动中都表现出色。)

6. The company is looking for capable candidates to fill the position of project manager.(公司正在寻找有能力的候选人来填补项目经理的职位。)

7. With his experience and knowledge, he is more than capable of leading the team to success.(凭借他的经验和知识,他完全有能力带领团队取得成功。)

8. The young musician is already capable of playing complex pieces with great skill.(这位年轻的音乐家已经能够以高超的技巧演奏复杂的曲目。)

9. As a doctor, she is capable of making life-saving decisions in high-pressure situations.(作为一名医生,她有能力在高压环境下做出挽救生命的决定。)

10. The team of engineers is highly capable of designing innovative solutions to technical problems.(这支工程师团队非常有能力设计创新的解决方案来解决技术问题。)

11. She is a capable driver who can navigate through heavy traffic with ease.(她是一个有能力的司机,能够轻松地在拥挤的交通中驾驶。)

12. The project manager is capable of handling multiple projects simultaneously without compromising quality.(项目经理有能力同时处理多个项目,而不影响质量。)

13. The team of researchers is capable of conducting in-depth studies on various topics.(研究人员团队有能力对各种主题进行深入研究。)

14. She is a capable problem solver who always finds creative solutions to challenges.(她是一个有能力的问题解决者,总是能够找到创造性的解决方案来应对挑战。)

15. The CEO is a capable leader who has successfully steered the company through difficult times.(首席执行官是一个有能力的领导者,成功地引领公司度过了困难时期。)

16. The team of scientists is capable of conducting experiments that push the boundaries of current knowledge.(科学家团队有能力进行实验,推动当前知识的边界。)

17. She is a capable public speaker who can captivate audiences with her eloquence.(她是一个有能力的演讲者,能够以她的雄辩力吸引听众。)

18. The software developer is capable of creating user-friendly interfaces for various applications.(软件开发人员有能力为各种应用程序创建用户友好的界面。)

19. As a teacher, she is capable of adapting her teaching style to meet the needs of diverse learners.(作为一名老师,她有能力调整教学风格以满足不同学习者的需求。)

20. The project team is capable of meeting tight deadlines without sacrificing the quality of their work.(项目团队有能力在紧迫的截止日期前完成工作,而不牺牲质量。)

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