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时间: 2024-09-19 11:30:20


1. The cargo ship was loaded with containers full of goods for export.(这艘货船装满了用于出口的货物集装箱。)

2. The company's cargo was stolen during transit.(公司的货物在运输途中被盗。)

3. The cargo plane was able to transport heavy machinery to the remote construction site.(货运飞机能够将重型机械运送到偏远的建筑工地。)

4. The cargo hold of the ship was inspected before departure.(在启航前对货舱进行了检查。)

5. The cargo train was delayed due to a technical issue.(货运列车因技术问题延迟了。)

6. The cargo consisted of various electronic devices and components.(货物包括各种电子设备和零部件。)

7. The cargo was carefully secured to prevent any damage during transportation.(货物被仔细固定以防止在运输过程中受损。)

8. The cargo was unloaded from the truck and stored in the warehouse.(货物从卡车上卸下并存放在仓库里。)

9. The cargo ship had to navigate through rough seas to reach its destination.(货船必须穿越汹涌的海洋才能到达目的地。)

10. The cargo was delivered to the customer's doorstep on time.(货物准时送到客户家门口。)

11. 这艘货船装载了大量的原油来运输到其他国家。

12. 货物在运输途中遭受了严重的损坏。

13. 这家公司专门从事航空货运业务。

14. 货物必须经过严格的检查才能被允许进入国家。

15. 货车被派遣到灾区为灾民提供紧急救援物资。

16. 这批货物的价值超过了一百万美元。

17. 航空货运是一种快速且高效的运输方式。

18. 这些货物需要尽快运送到目的地以避免延误。

19. 货物的数量超出了我们的预期。

20. 货船在港口卸下了大量的货物。

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