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时间: 2024-09-19 11:34:38


1. I almost caught the ball, but it slipped through my fingers. 我差点儿接到球,但是它从我手指间溜走了。

2. The police caught the thief and arrested him. 警察抓住了小偷并逮捕了他。

3. I need to catch a flight to New York tomorrow morning. 我明天早上需要赶一班飞往纽约的航班。

4. Did you catch the latest episode of your favorite TV show? 你有没有看到你最喜欢的电视节目的最新一集?

5. I could barely catch my breath after running for so long. 我跑了这么久,几乎喘不过气来。

6. Be careful not to catch a cold in this chilly weather. 小心别在这寒冷的天气里着凉了。

7. The fisherman managed to catch a huge trout in the river. 渔夫设法在河里捕到了一条巨大的鳟鱼。

8. I hope I can catch a glimpse of the famous celebrity when they visit our city. 我希望我能在他们来我们城市的时候瞥见那位著名的名人。

9. I always catch myself daydreaming during boring meetings. 我总是发现自己在无聊的会议上走神。

10. The teacher asked the student to catch up on the material he missed while he was absent. 老师要求学生在他缺席期间赶上课程内容。

11. Can you catch me up on what happened while I was away? 你能告诉我在我不在的时候发生了什么吗?

12. I managed to catch the last train home just in time. 我设法及时赶上了回家的最后一班火车。

13. I caught a cold and had to stay in bed all weekend. 我感冒了,整个周末都得躺在床上。

14. The pitcher tried to catch the batter off guard with a curveball. 投手试图用曲线球使击球手措手不及。

15. I always catch myself humming the same tune over and over again. 我总是发现自己一遍又一遍地哼唱同一首曲子。

16. I caught my son sneaking cookies from the jar. 我发现儿子偷偷地从罐子里拿饼干。

17. The police are trying to catch the suspect before he leaves the country. 警方正试图在嫌疑人离开国家之前逮捕他。

18. I managed to catch the bus just before it pulled away from the stop. 我设法在公交车离开车站前赶上了它。

19. The catcher managed to catch the fast pitch with ease. 接球手轻松地接住了快速的投球。

20. I hope to catch a break and finally get a promotion at work. 我希望能有所突破,最终在工作中得到晋升。

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