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时间: 2024-09-19 11:40:15


1. The store is closed on Sundays. (这家商店星期日关门。)

2. The closed door prevented us from entering the room. (关上的门阻止我们进入房间。)

3. The closed curtains blocked out all the sunlight. (拉上的窗帘挡住了所有的阳光。)

4. Please keep the door closed at all times. (请随时保持门关着。)

5. The closed sign on the window indicated that the shop was not open. (窗户上的关门标志表明店铺没有开门。)

6. The closed circuit camera system provides security for the building. (闭路电视摄像系统为建筑物提供安全保障。)

7. The closed meeting was attended by only a select group of individuals. (闭门会议只有一小部分人参加。)

8. The closed captioning on the television helped those who are hard of hearing. (电视上的闭幕字幕帮助听力不好的人。)

9. The closed road caused a detour for drivers. (封闭的道路给司机们造成了绕路。)

10. The closed book was filled with secrets. (闭合的书里充满了秘密。)

11. The closed gate prevented anyone from entering the property. (关闭的大门阻止任何人进入财产。)

12. The closed envelope contained an important document. (密封的信封里装着一份重要文件。)

13. The closed session of the meeting was confidential. (会议的闭门会议是机密的。)

14. The closed window kept out the noise from outside. (关上的窗户挡住了外面的噪音。)

15. The closed captioning feature on the movie was helpful for viewers with hearing impairments. (电影上的闭幕字幕功能对听力受损的观众很有帮助。)

16. The closed container kept the food fresh. (封闭的容器保持了食物新鲜。)

17. The closed access to the building required a key card for entry. (建筑物的封闭通道需要刷卡进入。)

18. The closed case was finally solved by the detective. (这个封闭的案件最终被侦探解决了。)

19. The closed meeting room was reserved for private discussions. (关闭的会议室专为私人讨论而保留。)

20. The closed door symbolized the end of a chapter in his life. (关上的门象征着他生活中的一个阶段的结束。)

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