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时间: 2024-09-19 11:44:07


1. In conclusion, it is clear that the new policy will have a positive impact on our company's bottom line.


2. The conclusion of the research study was that there was a significant correlation between exercise and mental health.


3. In conclusion, I believe that teamwork is essential for the success of any project.


4. The conclusion drawn from the experiment was that the hypothesis was proven to be correct.


5. In conclusion, it is evident that climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action.


6. The conclusion of the meeting was that a new marketing strategy needed to be implemented to increase sales.


7. In conclusion, the data supports the theory that there is a link between stress and physical health.


8. The conclusion reached by the jury was that the defendant was guilty of the crime.


9. In conclusion, it can be said that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty.


10. The conclusion of the report was that the company needed to reevaluate its financial strategies.


11. In conclusion, the evidence presented in court clearly pointed to the defendant's guilt.


12. The conclusion of the meeting was that a compromise needed to be reached in order to move forward.


13. In conclusion, it is important to prioritize mental health and well-being in our daily lives.


14. The conclusion of the study was that there was a strong correlation between smoking and lung cancer.


15. In conclusion, the company's decision to expand into new markets was a wise strategic move.


16. The conclusion drawn from the data analysis was that there was a significant increase in customer satisfaction.


17. In conclusion, it is evident that technology plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our society.


18. The conclusion of the investigation was that there was no evidence of foul play in the accident.


19. In conclusion, the success of the project can be attributed to the dedication and hard work of the team members.


20. The conclusion of the debate was that both sides presented valid arguments, but a compromise was reached in the end.


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