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时间: 2024-09-19 17:06:29


1. The police dispatch received a call about a robbery in progress. (警方调度中心接到了一起正在进行中的抢劫案的报警电话。)

2. The company dispatches hundreds of packages every day. (该公司每天派送数百个包裹。)

3. The fire department dispatched several trucks to the scene of the fire. (消防局派遣了几辆车前往火灾现场。)

4. The dispatcher quickly sent a tow truck to help the stranded motorist. (调度员迅速派遣了一辆拖车来帮助被困的车主。)

5. The courier company dispatches deliveries all over the city. (快递公司在全城派送货物。)

6. The dispatcher coordinated the efforts of the emergency responders. (调度员协调了紧急救援人员的工作。)

7. The company dispatches technicians to repair equipment at customer sites. (公司派遣技术人员到客户现场维修设备。)

8. The dispatcher directed the taxis to pick up passengers at the airport. (调度员指挥出租车在机场接载乘客。)

9. The police dispatch center is responsible for coordinating all emergency calls. (警方调度中心负责协调所有紧急呼叫。)

10. The company dispatches trucks to transport goods from the warehouse to the stores. (公司派遣卡车将货物从仓库运送到商店。)

11. The dispatcher alerted the maintenance team to fix the broken elevator. (调度员通知了维修团队去修理坏了的电梯。)

12. The courier company dispatches deliveries to residential and commercial addresses. (快递公司派送货物到住宅和商业地址。)

13. The dispatcher communicated with the drivers to ensure timely deliveries. (调度员与司机沟通,确保及时送货。)

14. The company dispatches a team of cleaners to sanitize the office building. (公司派遣了一组清洁工人对办公楼进行消毒。)

15. The dispatcher organized the transportation of supplies to the disaster area. (调度员组织了向灾区运送物资的工作。)

16. The company dispatches technicians to install and repair equipment for customers. (公司派遣技术人员为客户安装和修理设备。)

17. The dispatcher directed the ambulances to the scene of the accident. (调度员指挥救护车前往事故现场。)

18. The company dispatches trucks to pick up raw materials from suppliers. (公司派遣卡车去供应商那里取原材料。)

19. The dispatcher coordinated the delivery schedules to ensure efficient service. (调度员协调送货时间表,确保高效服务。)

20. The police dispatch center received a call reporting a missing person. (警方调度中心接到了一通报告有人失踪的电话。)

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