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时间: 2024-09-19 17:24:38


1. The krankenwagen rushed to the scene of the accident to provide medical assistance.


2. The krankenwagen arrived at the hospital with the injured patient.


3. The krankenwagen's siren blared as it sped through the city streets.


4. The krankenwagen team worked quickly and efficiently to stabilize the patient's condition.


5. The krankenwagen is an essential part of the emergency medical services in Germany.


6. When the accident occurred, the krankenwagen was dispatched immediately to the location.


7. The krankenwagen driver skillfully navigated through traffic to reach the injured person.


8. The krankenwagen's medical team provided life-saving treatment on the way to the hospital.


9. The krankenwagen's flashing lights alerted other drivers to make way for the emergency vehicle.


10. The krankenwagen's arrival brought a sense of relief to the accident scene.


11. 在紧急情况下,救护车(Krankenwagen)是及时救治受伤者的重要工具。

12. 救护车(Krankenwagen)在医疗急救体系中扮演着重要的角色。

13. 救护车(Krankenwagen)的医疗团队经过专业培训,能够迅速做出应对急救的决策。

14. 救护车(Krankenwagen)通常配备有各种急救设备和药品,以满足不同病情的需求。

15. 救护车(Krankenwagen)的司机需要具备高超的驾驶技术,确保在紧急情况下快速到达目的地。

16. 救护车(Krankenwagen)的警报器和警示灯能够提醒其他车辆为其让路。

17. 救护车(Krankenwagen)的医疗团队在接到急救任务后,会立即出发前往现场。

18. 救护车(Krankenwagen)的到来给受伤者和目击者带来了希望和安慰。

19. 救护车(Krankenwagen)在交通拥堵时需要谨慎驾驶,确保快速到达目的地。

20. 救护车(Krankenwagen)对于急救工作的重要性不言而喻,它能够拯救无数生命。

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