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时间: 2024-09-19 17:24:32


1. The company plans to enlarge its production capacity by building a new factory.


2. She used a magnifying glass to enlarge the small print on the contract.


3. The doctor recommended surgery to enlarge the patient's airway.


4. The photographer enlarged the photo to make it suitable for framing.


5. The city council voted to enlarge the public park by acquiring adjacent land.


6. The artist used a projector to enlarge the image onto the canvas.


7. The company decided to enlarge its market presence by expanding into new territories.


8. The surgeon will enlarge the opening in the patient's artery to improve blood flow.


9. The government has plans to enlarge the social welfare program to help more people in need.


10. The architect proposed to enlarge the windows in the building to allow more natural light in.


11. 他们计划扩大这家餐厅的规模,以容纳更多的客人。

(They plan to enlarge the restaurant to accommodate more guests.)

12. 这种药物可以扩大血管,从而提高血液流动。

(This medication can enlarge the blood vessels, improving blood flow.)

13. 她决定将这幅画放大,以展示更多的细节。

(She decided to enlarge the painting to show more details.)

14. 公司决定扩大其产品线,以满足不同消费者的需求。

(The company decided to enlarge its product line to meet the needs of different consumers.)

15. 这种手术可以扩大病人的视野,使其能够看清楚远处的物体。

(This surgery can enlarge the patient's field of vision, allowing them to see objects in the distance clearly.)

16. 学校计划扩大校园,增加更多的教学楼和设施。

(The school plans to enlarge the campus, adding more classroom buildings and facilities.)

17. 她用放大镜来看那幅微小的画作。

(She used a magnifying glass to enlarge the tiny painting.)

18. 这项计划旨在扩大对贫困地区的援助。

(The plan aims to enlarge assistance to impoverished areas.)

19. 这个项目的目标是扩大对残疾人群体的支持。

(The goal of this project is to enlarge support for the disabled community.)

20. 这种药物可以扩大血管,从而降低血压。

(This medication can enlarge blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure.)

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